Exercise #2 - Defensive transition on 3 goals by coach MARIO JOVIC

Exercise prepared by Mario Jovic from MOSS FK (Norway)

Focus on defensive transition

Exercise prepared for a Match Day - 3 (ENDURANCE)
Description: 7v7 + GK on 45x50m. On each side of the field are 3 goals (1 normal and 2 small marked with different colours). When the team in possesion loses the ball, the opponent team can score: A) immediately on the goal with the keeper ; B) play 3 consecutive passes to open the blue goal or 5 passes to open all goals.
This will demand from the team who lost the ball a fast reaction and immediate pressure on the ball but also the concern to close the central area, my priority when we lose the ball. This give opportunity to attacking team to choose between starting a fast attack situation (big goal) or a more structured attack in case they need to play out of pressure zone.
Duration: 5 min
Rest: 2.5 min
Repetitions: 4
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