Exercise prepared by coach Rodrigo Pian (GD Chaves - Portugal)

The focus of the exercise is to achieve the final line with a pass to create a 2v2 finishing situation

Exercise prepared for a Match Day - 4 (STRENGTH)

Description: Game situation Gk + 6 v Gk + 6.
The game starts with the blue team, its 4 midfielders keeping ball possession against the 4 midfielders of the red team.
The objective is to try to make a “linebreaker”vertical pass for the player who appears in the space between lines to try, with the support of the other forward, to score against the opposition of two defenders.
If the red team regains the ball, they can finish in the goal of the opposing team.

Duration: 3X10 min

Rest: 45 sec

Players: 14


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