The trick for training to go smoothly!

Prepare your exercises the right way

We want to reveal a trick that can decisively influence the quality of your training sessions.
Okay, actually it's not a trick but SEVERAL TRICKS...
Everything is based on a very simple principle: Preparation!

Preparing the exercises beforehand is what will let you know exactly what to expect from each one of them and if they are running as planned.
For this to happen, try following the following rules (tricks):

  1. Prepare the exercises according to objectives: tactical, technical, conditional, playful...
  2. Explain them simply and quickly. Use demonstration if the exercise is new
  3. Previously select the groups (teams) as well as all the "logistics": space, balls, vests, positions of coaches, etc.
  4. Defines success criteria. That will help you to get assertive feedback
  5. Establishes progressions for greater complexity over time
  6. Switch the intensity of your communication style - zoom in/zoom out
  7. Evaluate the exercise with the players: Stop when you feel it's necessary and ask them questions (this strategy is fantastic)!
  8. Preset break times and keep the hydration point close
  9. If possible, prepare all training spaces before starting

    We have created a contextualized exercise for you, for the moment of offensive organization, using the Coach ID software.

    Purpose: Find progression space through the central zone. Possibility of using the 3rd man strategy.



Description: Offensive organization with inter-sectorial connection: 10x8 + GR
The goal is to find the second-line midfielder and then "burn" lines in progression. Lateral cannot directly link with wingers or forward.
The situation ends with a numerical advantage situation (4x2).

If the opponent recovers the ball, he can cross the lines and score only with opposition from the players within each space.

Progression: Upon entering phase 3 (finishing), the entire team must bring the sectors together.

Create your exercise library now with Coach ID. Click here>>

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